
Research report: Sinorbis China Ready Index

Sinorbis analysed the Chinese website presence of 1753 companies, including the ASX300 as well as the top 500 private companies operating in Australia to understand how well Australian businesses understand the Chinese digital market.

These were researched with three key pillars in mind: visibility (i.e. Can they be accessed at an acceptable speed in China), localisation (i.e. The content is localised with simplified Chinese and meets local preferences an expectations) and Opimisation (i.e. The brand will come up in relevant search results)

The results were worrying; 78% of businesses were classed as either having no or poor visibility in China. Only 6% of businesses had a good or an average localisation score, and 81% had either none or poorly optimised on Chinese search engines.

To view even more detailed statistics about Australian business’ readiness to enter the Chinese market, download the free report: China Ready Index

Download it here